
a new title? nah.

I feel so removed from my blog's title anymore as running does not have the place in my world right now as it did when I began writing. I hate to start a new blog, though, and I do intend to make running a part of my life again...so I'll keep the title for now. Let's just think of "on the run" as describing the fact that my life really never stops any more :)

With that, I'll begin a new post. I have been itching to write again for a long time- with so many things on my mind and heart (from Chik-fil-a, to the recent election, to women's health issues, to being a full time mother in a full time outside of home work world, to the recent school shootings...).  I am hoping to revive this space again for a place for thoughtful writing to help me process those things I often feel in my heart but need help expressing.

My most recent post has me smiling to myself.  8.5 months in to raising our happy little boy, and I couldn't be more elated that he is who he is- a smiling, squealing, into everything he shouldn't be little boy.

I saw a post on FB that sparked my desire to write today. A post about our "Pinterest" world in which it seems we are all in competition to be the craftiest, most homemade organic mommas out there. And the moment we can't compete, we feel like absolute failures. Well- my response to that post is first: Kudos!  My second response comes not from my own words but that of another momma, a favorite of mine: Pregnant Chicken. Every mother must read this- Why you are never failing as a mother.

Read it.

Memorize it.

Find comfort in it.

Love your child(ren) with every fiber of your being and let that love fill them beyond the brim. That's all they need. The rest will fall into place.

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